Intentions for learning

These are OCL's intentions for process and tools we intend to use to measure each process.

Intentions for process
Indicator of success and measurement

1. We want to capture learnings

Learnings documented

(Measurement - No of learnings)

2. We want to learn more on organisational issues and blocks

Learnings documented

(Measurement - No of learnings)

3. We want to learn more on process flows and optimal ops

Learnings documented

(Measurement - No of learnings)

4. We want to learn more on using our tools and outputs better

Learnings documented

(Measurement - No of learnings)

5. We want to learn more from projects that we have completed

Learnings documented

(Measurement - No of learnings)

6. We want to create a space where learnings across the organistion are able to be captured and used

Learning/knowledge space created

(Space used)

7. We want to upskill to new tools

New tools incorporated

(New tools used)

8. We want to draw more on the expertise of partners (individual and orgs)

Learnings documented

(No of learnings)

More Festy Outcomes