Intentions for process

These are OCL's intentions for process and tools we intend to use to measure each process.

Intentions for process
Indicator of success and measurement

1. We want to deliver faster without reducing quality

Delivery days after deadline

(Measurement - Trello)

2. We want to treat deadlines and milestones with respect

Deadlines missed

(Measurement - Trello)

3. We want project leads to be empowered to congregate the team around delivery

Less delays in handover of tasks

(Measurement - Qualitative*)

4. We want to empower project leads to understand partners needs and know how to form team interventions around these needs

Successful delivery of MVPs

(Measurement - Qualitative - validated by partner)

5. We want to empower quick risk assessment for earlier more iterative delivery

Risk framework created and delivered

(Measurement - Risk framework used)

6. We want to formalise the decision framework for taking on new projects

Decision process created

(Measurement - Decision process deployed)

7. We want to understand the project spectrum and give the right level of attention to a project's needs

PL's making right calls on level of intervention

(Measurement - Qualitative - validated by partner)

8. We want to have effective flow of support between project members

Less delays in handover of tasks

(Measurement - Qualitative?)

9. We want to reduce time spent ineffectively especially on meetings and leverage our tools to be more effective

Less time spent in meetings

(Measurement - Qualitative? Can we measure this directly?)

10. We want to plan more effectively upfront to "unlock" PL's and project team members

Effective initial planning sessions held

(Measurement - Qualitative Planning notes?)

11. We want to put things into user's hands earlier in the process

MVPs delivered

(Measurement - Qualitative - validated by partner)

12. We want more project and budget empowerment for PL's

Budgets owned

(Measurement - Budgets owned)

13. We want to have clear roles and responsibilities for PL's and DL's reuse of tools

Roles understood by PL's and DL's

(Measurement - Qualitative?)

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