Board Thoughts
Sticky thoughts
* Qualitative - survey, assessment or interview carried out
  1. Can this be done in a day?
  2. Why are we not capturing learnings? [Chat to Jodi]
  3. How can we celebrate wins more openly and regularly?
  4. 6-week MVP launch?
  5. OCL - Committee decision framework.
  6. Domain leads responsibility for team resources.
  7. Domain lead vs project lead resources (?) - Allocation and planning.
  8. MVP Definition: Initial launch vs mature product
  9. Greater leverage of assets - greater empowerment of budget.
  10. Done in a day: Practice, schedule a day where the whole team (or at least a rep from each domain) is available. Start with a dataset and a goal and GO!
  11. Project leads to be encouraged to define their processes and leverage trello functionality in the most optimal way that makes team collaboration seamless and more efficient.
  12. Exploratory blogs: thoughts, ideas, inviting community input.
  13. Taking safe risks: assess whether the project/act/idea 1). has a need 2). resources are available for it 3). there is data 4). and it is timely. Satisfying 3/4 of these qualifies as a safe risk.
  14. On Sarah's point on user testing (ADH): it's vital to get into the process/machine of user decision making. EWS Covid, Asivikelane, and My Candidate were all straight to the users and straight to their decision making process - actually informs their next steps; all have dashboard potential. ADH and user feedback, maybe we need to work backwards from* dashboards and get into user decision making processes first.
  15. Difference between a project that needs us at the core of the process (i.e. Asivikelane), maybe it was unrealistic to see it all as an end but more of a process of process refinement and discovery.
  16. Make people dream/see potential of project
  17. Team training sessions where we actually solve an organisational issue/block during the session. This solves a problem, opens up challenges/opportunities,  and forces team to collaborate across domains.
  18. Each project is like a game or puzzle; it helps me to figure out and  visualise the game to define the processes for completion i.e is = tetris. EAM = a lot of maths sums. sometimes its a puzzle, sometimes its a rubrics cube - Corruption Watch is a data catalog = mine-craft
  19. Meeting and email agility: use huddles, voice-notes, use screen recordings - on trello  and slack, have in person days ; hybrid work.
  20. Not capturing learning points to team process flow and not using tools optimally. Trello can be used for learning capturing and sprint meetings can be better shaped to fit into strat, next tasks, deadlines, challenges, and learnings.
  21. Asivikelane project as a retrospective discussion that encapsulates all points discussed.
  22. Toggle tracking: Relationship, networking, learning
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