OCL Thoughts
Sticky thoughts
* Qualitative - survey, assessment or interview carried out
  1. Design rapid prototyping for first launch and test as a general M.O.
  2. Settle into our structure
  3. Deliberate, mindful, delivery-based spaces.
  4. Culture of independence through enhanceed enablement and collaboration.
  5. Improved cross-project learning and documenting
  6. Document fundraising and publicity through SCODA.
  7. Identify a 'hunch' project to drive in partnership (OCL & Lumec).
  8. Dev/Tech Awareness
  9. Being a third party, objective sounding board and partner in problem solving with OCL ops and project leads.
  10. Explore our community, all domains - socialising, networking.
  11. Celebrate Wins.
  12. Projects: last 10% push.
  13. Create a space for knowledge sharing and continuous learning.
  14. For the team to meet in person often, it makes a big difference when we connect in person.
  15. To improve flow of support between project members.
  16. Support fundraising and networking of OCL.
  17. Whatsapp (WA*) for impact.
  18. Design space for learning and celebration.
  19. Stay motivated and inspired; remember impact pillars and why we do this work on a day to day basis.
  20. Celebrate small wins and build personal relationships; build trust - always work on this by being intentional.
  21. Create more space for curiosity.
  22. Create systems where people can create - especially about/based on needs.
  23. We should continue taking care of the health (mental) of the team.
  24. We should find the fire that will help us burn bright and have high impact.
  25. Should have a few data analysis tools that people can use that are core OCL project and not in partnership with external organisations.
  26. Celebrate - FCSA, SCODA, etc
  27. Learn and Consolidate
  28. Grow mission dev into 2022 *

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