Domain Intentions
Sticky thoughts
* Qualitative - survey, assessment or interview carried out
  1. Being more insistent around individuals protecting their ideation time - keeping them accountable to their personal/career growth goals "Tough love leadership".
  2. Ensuring efficient and simple process. Helping people understand their R&Rs and be empowered to achieve the impact that they have in their hearts.
  3. Make implementation easy (ISIMS).
  4. Carve space for creative growth and research (Design).
  5. Reliable, structured, and calm (Data Domain)
  6. Separate 'partner' from 'mission' and 'project' for delivery, impact, and scale (SCODA).
  7. Bring all team members back into alignment with big picture and celebrate their part towards this.
  8. Automation and airflow pipeline
  9. Find the invisible and service them without compromising their integrity/vulnerability. Visibility is dangerous (GESI)
  10. Assist in making our existing library an industry example in the civic tech space (Design/Frontend).
  11. Drawing on the expertise of partners (individuals and organisations) e.g. BB (ADH)
  12. Write blogs on aspects that are out of scope but could add value to project.
  13. Celebrate Milestones (ADH)
  14. Integrate ideation and flexibility into processes - moved away from seeing them as separate and polar by nature.
  15. People before projects, Always!
  16. More outcome focused and less output focused (ADH).
  17. More time for meaningful engagement with the people that our projects impact.
  18. Mapping our the role of Research and Engagement Domain - territories beyond our team.
  19. Making time to document all our learnings and be thought leaders in the design space (Design).
  20. Building Trust: products, partners, users, & team.
  21. Make simple spaces for ideas, thinking, and engagement
  22. One click deploy and tracking our tech impact after delivery (Dev Domain)
  23. Carving out time for passion and exciting work.
  24. Allow for enjoyment of work and bring back the spark.
  25. Learn more about team members to tap into their different skills.
  26. Upskill to new tools - Webflow CMS empowers team to not have to rely on design for every tweak (Design Domain)
  27. Lots of opportunities to build and test on internal projects - be leaders.
  28. Extensive learning and prototyping led by all.
  29. Improve social media presence/ digital engagement.
  30. My intention for OCL this year is to serve our users (citizens) with what they need most: job creation + skill development + opportunity alignment + easier access to social services that don't need them to travel.

More Festy Outcomes